m2news is Australian made and owned

Image blocking in email programs

These days, email programs are more aggressively blocking images by default than before, with a recent report stating that only 48% of email recipients see images automatically.

Your newsletter needs to have its images displayed by the recipient in order to have the m2news tracking image loaded, which will let m2news know that the email has been 'opened'.

Default settings in popular email clients

Desktop clients Images shown
by default
Images displayed for
trusted senders
Renders ALT Text
Outlook 2007/2010 no yes replaces with security msg
Outlook 2003 no yes yes
Outlook for Mac 2011 no yes yes
Outlook Express yes no yes
Windows Live Hotmail no yes yes
Apple Mail yes no no
Thunderbird no yes yes
AOL Desktop no yes no
Lotus notes yes yes yes
Webmail clients Images shown
by default
Images displayed for
trusted senders
Renders ALT Text
Hotmail no yes no
Gmail no yes no
AOL Webmail no yes yes
Mobile clients Images shown
by default
Images displayed for
trusted senders
Renders ALT Text
iPhone/iPad yes yes yes
Android default no no yes
Android Gmail no Can select to show no
Windows Mobile 7 no no no
Blackberry OS6 no no yes

As you can see from the above, blocking images by default in email programs is the norm. Webmail clients in particular have cracked down on the automatic display of images, likely to prevent tracking images from being downloaded in spam email.
So using fewer and smaller in kb size images means people will more likely be happy to 'click to display' them in their emails, and choose to always display images in emails sent from you.