m2news is Australian made and owned

m2news pricing

We like to keep it simple, and we have the best rates around. Compare it to other systems out there - we're confident we offer the best value for money email marketing system!

There is no monthly fee for system usage — there is just a minimum cost of $5 if you use it to send newsletters in any one month. If you don't use it in a specific month, then you won't be charged for that month. We get a few people calling us to confirm the fact that there is no monthly fee, and that the cost for using the system is as low as it is demonstrated below. Yes, there is no monthly fee; for example, if you send 1000 emails in one sendout, then all you will pay is $30. If you don't use the system in any given month, then you will not be charged anything for that month.

Pricing (per email sent per mailout)
Setup fee FREE
Subscribers database fee FREE
Custom template designed by us (optional) $159
First 1000 $0.03 each *
1001 - 2000 $0.02 each *
2001 - unlimited (additional emails) $0.01 each*
Single sends $0.03 each *
* a minimum cost of $5 applies to any mailout.

Find out how much it'll cost with us:

Type in how many subscribers you think you will be emailing per newsletter mailout:


Competitor Comparison Example

The table below compares sending a newsletter sent to 2500 subscribers using m2news, and using a competitor's system.

  m2news Competitor
First 1000 emails sent: $30.00 (0.03 each) $20.00 ($0.02 each)
Second 1000 emails sent: $20.00 (0.02 each) $20.00 ($0.02 each)
Remaining 500 emails sent $5.00 (0.01 each) $10.00 ($0.02 each)
Monthly Access fee (1001 - 5000 records): $0.00 $50.00
Total email send cost: $55.00 $50.00
TOTAL YOU PAY $55.00 $100

e-newsletter system,Australia,newsletters,marketing Billing notes:

  • Billing run is on the 1st of each month.
  • Period is from 12:00 am on the 1st until 11:59 pm on the last day of the month.
  • Your credit card will be debited automatically.
  • You will be sent an automatic invoice on the first of each month.
  • You can review and download your invoices on the 'My Invoices' page inside your management console
  • If your credit card details change you must update the details on your account page.
  • If a payment fails, your account will be suspended automatically and you will need to contact us to have it activated again.
  • You can cancel your account at any time by notifying us in writing. Any fees due in that month will be debited immediately.